Our Director, Assist. Prof. Dr. Mustafa POLAT, Conducted a Discussion at Career Days.
Our Director, Assist. Prof. Dr. Mustafa POLAT, Conducted a Discussion at Career Days.
Invited to the career days within the scope of the 'Education City Karabük' project prepared by the AR-GE of the Provincial Directorate of National Education under the auspices of Karabük Governorship, the Director of the School of Foreign Languages, Assist. Prof. Dr. Mustafa POLAT, conducted a discussion with the themes 'Being an Academician in the 21st Century' and 'SOCIALFEST.'
During the discussion, under the title 'Being an Academician in the 21st Century,' the characteristics of an academician were discussed, and the reasons for learning a foreign language were emphasized. On the other hand, information about SOCIALFEST, which is the first Social Sciences Festival in Turkey, was provided within the scope of the SOCIALFEST High School, and the discussion ended with participants' questions.