The 2nd General Academic Meeting
The 2nd General Academic Meeting
The 2nd General Academic Meeting held at our school during the 2023-2024 Fall semester proved to be a fruitful event where important issues were discussed. During the meeting, our academic staff came together to evaluate strategies for the upcoming semester. Projects and activities within the framework of our school's vision and mission were discussed, along with the assessment of new methods to support academic success and efforts to enhance the student experience. Additionally, the meeting featured the introduction of an exciting event, Sosyalfest, which is Turkey's first national and international social sciences festival. The presentation provided an opportunity for our academic staff to gain a closer understanding of the purpose and various activities of this remarkable event. The plans for the upcoming Sosyalfest, discussed alongside other agenda items during the meeting, mark an exciting step forward for our school in the next semester. We extend our gratitude to all academic staff for their support and look forward to a more productive next meeting.