2023-2024 4th Period Cambridge One Group Codes
Dear Students,

In order to avoid problems with Cambridge One online content, please follow the steps that are suitable for you below:

  1. In the fourth period, each student will join Cambridge One classes using the class code appropriate for their group name. For the group codes, CLICK HERE.
  2. If you have never created a Cambridge One account before, CLICK HERE.
  3. If have created a Cambridge One account with your @ogrenci.karabuk.edu.tr e-mail address with your book in the previous period and you have moved to a new level, CLICK HERE.
  4. If you have created a Cambridge One account with your @ogrenci.karabuk.edu.tr e-mail address with your book in the previous period and you are repeating the same level, CLICK HERE.
  5. If have you created a Cambridge One account with your personal e-mail address in the previous period, CLICK HERE.

If you do not follow the necessary steps in time, you cannot get a score at the end of the period.