About 2020-2021 Summer School ELT / ELT Speaking Exams!
Dear Students,

Summer School ELT / ELT Speaking Exam dates are as below:

Click here for ELT exam specifications of all levels.

Dates of Exams / Exam Hours
End of Level Test (ELT) : September 03, 2021 (Online) - 14:00 - 14:15
Speaking Exam : September 03-04, 2021 (Online)

***You have to start the exams within the time given above (Exam Hours). If you are late, you will not be able to take the test and you won't be allowed to take it later.

Duration of Exams (The time given for each section is as follows.)
End of Level Test (ELT): 70 minutes (test) + 50 minutes (writing) = 120 min.

***You must prepare your equipment before the exam. (mobile phone or laptop/computer, internet connection, headphones/speakers for listening etc.)

***Problems due to your internet connection, equipment or late logins will not be considered for a make-up of the examination.

The duration for the exam can be seen on the top-right side of the screen.

***Keep in mind that it is your responsibility to save your answer to the writing section.

IMPORTANT: Remember that you will be able to view a question only once on the screen during the exam, that is you cannot go back to view a question again. You need to be careful about managing your time on a question.


Attention All Students! Your login information is:
Username: Student Number
Password: ID Number

Attention! If you cannot login the system, you should login OBS and check your ID number.

The exams will be held on https://sinav.karabuk.edu.tr/ Please login to the system an hour before the exam. Also, please watch this video about the Writing section of the Exam.

Keep in mind that it is your responsibility to save your answer to the writing section.

If you experience any kind of trouble with the system, please fill in the 
error reporting form on the main menu. You need to fill in the form until 17:00 on the day of the exam.

*If the form is filled with incomplete or incorrect information, the application will not be considered.

WARNING! In case of plagiarism, your writing will be graded as 
'0' (Zero)


Dear Students,
Summer School ELT Speaking Exam will be held on September 03-04, 2021. 

***Details about speaking exam will be announced by the Lecturers of courses through Microsoft Teams classrooms.

Speaking part of the ELT exam will be done in Microsoft Teams classrooms. You need to have a computer/laptop or a mobile phone all with internet access. You also need a camera /webcam feature in addition to the features above. The exam sessions will be recorded/video recorded by the examiners for assessment purposes.

You should log in the system and join the meeting at the specified time. 

*You need to show your ID Card / passport with a photo before you start the exam. 

For Log In:

Username: Student Id@ogrenci.karabuk.edu.tr

Password: First Five Digit Numbers of Tr Identification Number + Kbu*


For example - Username: 20212345678@ogrenci.karabuk.edu.tr 

For example - Password: 12345Kbu*

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You can also visit Kbuzem website.

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