Period 4 - Groups and Schedules
Dear students,

Lessons are to start as of 12.04.2021 according to the schedule of the classes.

Lessons will be conducted through Microsoft Teams 
in Period 4.

Click for Microsoft Teams Help Document...

For Log In:

Username: Student

Password: First Five Digit Numbers of Tr Identification Number + Kbu*


For example - Username: 

For example - Password: 12345Kbu*

You can visit Kbuzem website for more info.

Click for Kbuzem Website...


All the students will have been added to the groups on Microsoft Teams by Monday (12.04.2021)

You should log in the system and attend classes according to the schedule of your class.

You can find your group on 

For Log In:

Username: Student No 

Password: Tr Identification Number

You can find your schedule in the file below.

Each class has 5x5 = 25 lessons weekly.

Click here to find the schedule of your class...