SAC Rules and Tips

SAC Rules and Directions

·         Speak under your breath so that nobody is disturbed.
·         Keep quiet in parts that are tagged as “silent zone”
·         Try not to distract the attention of those studying.
·         Eating and drinking are not allowed inside.
·         If you are puzzled about how things work, ask the staff.
·         Books are not allowed to be taken out if not borrowed.
·         Borrow materials through the help of staff.
·         Reservation for rooms is necessary beforehand.
·         Ask the staff if you can’t find the resource you are looking for.


Important Tips About Our Centre

About Reservations: Students can make reservations on weekdays. For making a reservation, SAC Information Desk is ready. Reservations are made daily, so making reservations for other days is not possible. Students cannot make a reservation for their friends. Moreover, students aren’t allowed to join the session without reservation. If you are late for a session of more than 20 minutes, you aren’t permitted to attend the session.

About A Session’s Moderatorship: Students have a chance to be a moderator if they have some qualifications such as preparedness, language competence, time management, working in a team.

About Resources in Our Centre: Students can use the materials available in our centre. Students aren’t allowed to write anything on the material. To use the resources, students need to sign for them at the Information Desk using their Student ID. However, students aren’t allowed to take the materials with them.

About Staff in Our Centre: You can contact our staff about your academic questions, and you can consult them about sessions of SAC and materials. Also, our staff can guide the learners about language learning processes.