Placement and Proficiency Exams Sample & Specs
Placement exam which consists of listening, reading, knowledge of vocabulary and grammar parts determines your level of English. It is administered on an online platform at School of Foreign Languages (SFL) Laboratories. The students who score at a certain level at this exam will be able to take Proficiency Exam on 12 September. Prep School students are placed in a level based on the scores they get in placement exam. As studying at the right level is important for your success in the program and the time you will spend for the program, it is very important for you to answer the questions you are sure of. The students who do not take this exam are not placed into a class so they cannot start studying and they are counted as absent for the days they do not attend school.

Proficiency exam consists of listening, reading, writing and speaking parts. The students who score ≥65 are exempted from prep program and they directly start studying at their departments. For exemption conditions, please check SFL rules and regulations. Sample proficiency exam will be shared on our website soon.

Please follow our web page for important announcements about exams (place and hour etc.).

Please click on for Proficiency Exam Specification.

Please click on for Placement Exam Specification.

Please click on for Proficiency Exam Sample.